Investing in enterprise data quality or Master Data Management initiatives is no small undertaking. There are typically significant financial and human resources required to deliver these projects with completion time-frames spanning from months to years. Furthermore, most enterprise wide initiatives are driven from the top down and cater to the needs of senior stakeholders without fully considering the individual needs across all lines of business.

All too often DQ and MDM technologies are implemented to meet overall business requirements. Whilst this is not necessarily a bad thing, it also means individual stakeholder needs are sometimes not satisfied. There are often gaps. There may be a valid reason that a department deals with data in a particular way, why they need it in a separate data repository or why the “source of truth” as defined by the rest of the business does not meet their needs.

DataTools Kleber bridges these Enterprise MDM gaps by providing infinitely flexible ways of accessing and using available technologies to meet specific needs across all levels of the business.

Kleber is designed to co-exist and complement your existing investment in MDM, verification and related technologies.  It can extend the capabilities of most systems, add additional functionality or allows existing technologies to be used in a completely different way.

Quite simply, Kleber provides a way for individual departments to quickly and easily implement data capture, verification, matching and enrichment technologies to meet their specific requirement, whilst still being able to satisfy the organisations overarching data quality initiatives.

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