Kleber Data Partners

DataTools works with data partners from all over the world to provide you with easy access to world class data within one platform – Kleber.

We do all the hard work of negotiating access, fees, royalties, etc so that you don’t have to worry about any of it.

DataTools is also committed to searching out new sources of data for Kleber so check back here regularly to see who is new.

Data Partners

Data Partners

ACMA logo

Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) provide the Do Not Call Register.

APCA data partner

Australian Payments Clearing Association Limited (APCA) provide the Australian BSB lookup data.

Australia Post Data Partner

Australia Post provides the Postal Address File (PAF) for Australian addresses. Over 13 million addresses are included. They also provide access to Australian National Change of Address, Deceased and Delivery permissions reference data.

BriteVerify Data Partner

BriteVerify provide access to a real-time, global email address verification service.

GDC Data Partner

Global Data Consortium (GDC) provides international address verification.

MBIE Data Partner

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) in New Zealand provide a New Zealand Business Name register of business entities.

NZ Post Data Partner

New Zealand Post provides the Postal Address File (PAF) for New Zealand postal addresses. It contains over 1.9 million delivery points or postal addresses.

PCA Predict Data Partners

PCA Predict provide access to international address search logic and global address reference data.

ReachTEL Data partner

ReachTEL provide access to real-time Australian landline and mobile phone connection status services.